EU to GB icon

Trading with EU Customers

On 31st January 2020, the UK left the EU.  The transition period that was in place, during which nothing changed, ended on 31st December 2020. The rules governing the new relationship between the EU and UK took effect on 1st January 2021.  Due to this, we all have new rules to follow.  We cannot change what has happened; all we can do is comply with the new rules and regulations in a way that has the least impact for our businesses.

We have many established trade partnerships, clients, associates, and friends in Europe all of whom we sincerely appreciate.  We value you and your business, and our commitment to you is that we will do everything within our control to make the experience of ordering from us a positive one.

Some of you may have questions about how we now trade together regarding VAT, Duty, and any other charges.

VAT icon   VAT (Tax)

As of 1st January 2021, all our prices for customers ordering from Europe do not include the 20% VAT charge, so that represents a saving to you. All prices on our website are completely transparent, so we show the prices with and without tax.  However, when we send you your order, you may be charged tax by your country.  The EU sets a broad VAT rule at 15%, but the 27 Member States are free to set their own standard VAT rates.

Euro in hand icon     Claiming Back The VAT

If you are charged VAT, you may be eligible to claim this back.  To receive a refund, you must contact your EU country’s financial authority and follow their procedures.

EORI icon     EORI Number

EORI stands for "Economic Operators Registration and Identification number" Businesses and people wishing to trade must use the EORI number as an identification number in all customs procedures when exchanging Customs administrations' information.

Please forward us your EORI Number to include this in all the relevant documentation for your import, click here to access our online form. 

VAT Number

Every EU country issues its own national VAT numbers.

Please forward us your EORI Number to include this in all the relevant documentation for your import.

Tax icon     No Duties

Goods ‘originating’ in the EU-UK free trade area will not be subject to customs duty, which means there will be no duty on any goods manufactured by us in the UK.  This is the rule under the Free- Trade Agreement.

Admin icon     Administration Fees

You may be charged an administration fee by couriers who must collect payment from you.
Again, we cannot do anything about this, or pay the fee in advance for you; this is a fee charged to you. This is an additional cost for you due to the changes, however we will offer to repay any Administration fees incurred to our regular customers in loyalty points that you can use on your next order.  Advise us of the costs, and we can update your account.

Import icon     Delivery Services Between UK and EU Countries

We will do our utmost to ensure that our goods are transported between the UK and EU promptly.
However, the authorities that have imposed these new rules and regulations have not prepared their computer or custom systems for the changes.   The couriers are also adjusting their systems to cope with the changes, and everyone is experiencing delays, hindrances, and some friction.
The problems are with the customs offices and the hauliers who are struggling to cope with the increased paperwork and the custom declarations.   So inevitably there will be some delays which we apologise for and will attempt to mitigate by faster product turnaround.

Trust icon     Commitment To You

Dannells is an international business operating from our manufacturing base in the UK.
We have been providing our products to customers worldwide, successfully for the last 40 years, and overcoming many challenges along the way.  We are very experienced in dealing with complex custom issues and declarations as we were working with companies outside the EU since our inception.  We now face a new challenge, and although we expect everything will settle down in due course, now it is a source of frustration to all of us.

Our priority, as it always has been, is supporting you, our valued customer.